Saturday, February 3, 2018

Entangled Wires!

Yes...this name! Because everything seems to be so messy, so confusing, making me feel anguish at times.
But today, I would like to thank god for giving me such inner strength that now I try to carry that wide smile on my face...and I mean that to you lord.
This time I decided not to write about just any topic but me. So comes my story in a simple way that most of us understand.

Been married for more than 5 years now and the most obvious question prevalent is - "Hey! long time now...Both of you (as in my husband and me) must seriously think on being parents now" or "Listen..I have some XYZ doctor, why don't you guys visit her. Oh, she got 2 of my friends blessed with babies"! Last but not the least "There is a time you have to be serious, set your priorities in life and be responsible towards it".

Now my version: Heyyyy!!! Do you even know what all we have been you even know what it means to be what we have been through! We pray to god that no one ever should be through the phase we are still trying to overcome. We reached extreme level of seriousness that you would get goosebumps listening to it (am sure this very filmy dialogue must have made you all the more curious :)). We have set priority in our life - to live it big.The moment we try to be like very normal, you guys can't take it..right?? There comes in all your suggestions pouring for us - do this, do that and all that sneak peak.


Well, I totally respect whatever suggestion you give, whatever advice you give but before saying anything to anyone especially on few such sensitive topics, we should actually put our foot in that person shoes and try to walk few steps. I swear either the shoe would be that tight that you would not be able to walk even a step further or it will be loose , thereby not forming a solid grip to take any step forward - in both the cases, the shoe did not suit you! Its meant for that person only so give him the freedom to walk in it. He is at least trying to that - Smart people like the ones reading it must have  extracted the message out it :)

You know those lines on your forehead that show up while you think something quite deep- yeah you got that! They sometimes show up as "?" to the person you wanted to ask all those things running in your mind.
You think the person does not know what you are thinking of instead sometimes it just so happens that the person does not make you feel that he has not only got hold of your thoughts but also he has to take  care of 2 things - 1. Your sentiments are not hurt and 2. Incarcerate himself so that he is not broken at any moment.

I am sure this is not just my story but many of us would relate to it in some way or the other.

No one can make out but how light and good am feeling by having said all this. Feeling a winner already :)

Do leave your comments and thoughts in the comment section. Lets read your mind now :).