Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Broken Bridge

Yeah...I mean not that the bridge (connecting one end to another, so that we do not fall) is actually broken but yes, it is broken!

Confused??Not just here but so are we in our daily lives. Its not that the situations make us baffle but the fact that we are not decisive of what we are actually looking out for - not just in our careers but in our personal relationships as well. Agree it or not, but both are linked to each other - for some, it is directly proportional but for others its inversely.

We see and feel this happening almost everyday of our life but as usual we ignore it. Let me take a very generalized example - siblings who stay together in one big family (so called the Joint Family) grow up together and share a lot of emotional connect, which is often reflected by actions or words of belonging. We make promises of not changing ourselves, whatever come may. We then get married (or as a matter of fact when we are at the peak of  success in our career) new relations add on and we start living those relationships, which is good. But what about the ones we grew up with? What about that bond which was very much there all that time we were not married (or not that successful in our careers)?

Why do we stop expressing ourselves? What stops us? I have have these many questions running in my mind but then I get the answer - The Bridge (that connected us to one another) is broken. You see, in order that the bridge remains stronger, both the ends need to be hooked up to the corners so that the relation sustains.

Not only me but I think all of us would agree that new relations need more time and space so that they can nurture (sometimes at the stake of the older ones). This, damn it, this is the point where we start getting farther away from each other and then no bridge can ever connect us. Why do you want to sail all alone in that journey?Probably you are very happy (and we are of course happy because you are happy) with the new ones but at least look back once - WE are still waiting for you! Probably you do not talk much and you wish the best to happen for all your old ones but please, at least let them know once that you care for them - with the same bond of love that we  grew up with because - WE are still waiting for you!

This is not just limited to family/work periphery rather in this hush hush life of today, where we send our good wishes and talk over Whats App and FB, we have confined ourselves within the four walls of our presumptions only. Have you ever tried digging in that person who says "I am good" every time you meet him/her? Try to read the emotions and need of the hour of the person rather than "Feeling joyful with Reena" (That typical FB status). I think all those who have grown in 20th century can well relate to what I mean to say when I say that "I did be curiously waiting and eyeing on the landline waiting for it to ring on my Birthday" - Unfortunately, all these Bridges are broken! Mend them before its too late.